In The Bag

Stamkos Wants Out of Tampa

You would think that a finals appearance would mean that everything is great in Tampa Bay.

But far from it.

There have been growing rumors of this discontent between Lightning Captain Steven Stamkos and Coach John Cooper.

To further fuel the flames, well-respected hockey analyst Don Cherry jumped into the fray.

It all started with this tweet:

This was the first of a series of tweets.  Which built up to this:

And after further buildup, including the fact that Stamkos actually sat in the penalty box for a team penalty (I think we all were a bit confused by that), Cherry feels that Stamkos will not remain in Tampa.

Unbelievable, but that is the world of hockey and sports in general.  Even superstars are people.  And when you put two people together, they don’t always see eye-to-eye.

Image courtesy of Bridget Samuels.

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