FeaturedIn The Bag

Cave hockey in abandoned Quebec mine

Quick links:

1. Cave hockey image

2. Cave hockey image

3. Cave summer image

4. Cave summer image

5. (New!) Winter cave tour video

6. (New!) Summer cave tour video


What do you get when you take the largest abandoned mine in North America, some frigid Canadian winter, and dedicated hockey fans?

Cave Hockey!


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Wallingford-Back has a long history as a mine and a tourist destination according to CapitalGems.ca:

Wallingford-back mine used to be the largest mine in North America until a bigger mine was found in Ontario.  The mine is madeup of Feldspath, Mica and mostly Quartz. This mine is one of the most popular mines explored in the surrounding capital regions.  In winter people access the mine by snow shoeing, cross country skiing and hiking.  They also skate inside the mine which is absolutely amazing.  It is hard to access the mine in winter months with a vehicle.  In the summer people hike, swim, rock climb, scuba diving and even zip line with their own equipment.  There is allot of people there sometimes hiking or ATV-ing and other times its completely quiet.  No tools required to explore mine, some parts of the mine is flooded therefore a small boat will be needed to explore some of the lower parts unless you want to swim. Water is Crystal clear bleu.

We’d love to play hockey here.  A new entry for the bucket list.

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