In The Bag

He tried to blackmail Jagr and this is what happened

Jaromir Jagr has had quite the storied hockey career.

And he also has a habit of saying “So What?”

Apparently after a little fun between the sheets, Jagr’s bedmate took a selfie.  And like selfies tend to do, it made its way onto social media.

And that is when someone had the bright idea of trying to blackmail some dinero out of Jagr.

His response?   Practically none.  Told them to do whatever they wanted with the pic.

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According to Blesk, a Czech tabloid, a model named Catherine from Moravia took a selfie in bed as Jagr slept next to her. The image had been making the rounds on Czech social media. Someone came across the photo, and had the bright idea to attempt to extort 50,000 crowns (or roughly $2,000 U.S.) from Jagr or else the photo would be released to the media.

So the photo was shopped to the media, and on Sept. 17 published the altered photo that the blackmailer had been using as “proof” that they had the image, presumably the one presented to Jagr.

Alas, there was one catch for this criminal mastermind:

Jagr. Doesn’t Care.

He literally told the blackmailer to do whatever he wanted with the photo. And so it hit the Czech media, and it was published in several European publications, and Jagr just keeps on Jagr’ing.

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