In The BagNHL

Daniel Negreanu wants a piece of the NHL expansion

Daniel Negreanu is a great poker player.

He has earned almost $30M in live poker tournaments, more than any other player.

But he is not playing tight with his latest dreams.  He wants part of the NHL expansion team that is likely to land in Las Vegas.

He spoke to the Toronto Sun recently:

Unless you are a Habs fan and have been drunk since the Tampa Bay series, you know Las Vegas is a shoo-in for an expansion team, likely in 2017. The decision could come as early as September.

“99.9%,” says Negreanu. Like three aces and a flush draw. Bet the farm.

The big money belongs to billionaire Bill Foley, but Negreanu will buy a slice when the franchise is granted. Already, he’s a face of the team and headlined Foley’s ticket drive

“I’ll be at every game,” vows Negreanu, “and maybe have a hockey talk show of my own. Right now, the focus is on getting the team.”

Your read, Kid Poker?

“I just don’t see it not happening. We have a solid owner, an arena (nearing completion on the Strip with 17,500 seats for hockey) and we sold 13,000 season tickets.

“Vegas has 2.2 million people. It’s a sports town. We’ve been starving for a professional franchise of any kind for many years.”

Image courtesy of the WPT.

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