NBC Sports Wants to Ban Playoff Beards

Say it ain’t so.

Mark Lazarus, the NBC Sport Chairman, wants NHL players to stop growing playoff beards.


Maybe they should start removing their tattoos as well?

Apparently he thinks the fans deserve better.  What fans?  Soccer fans?

The good news is that I think this about as much chance of gaining steam as replacing our goalies with wooden boards and a couple of holes.

And this guy makes millions of dollars each year?  I’ll be happy to throw out stupid ideas for half his salary.

The Chicago Tribune shares these comical thoughts:

“The players won’t like this, but I wish they all would stop growing beards in the postseason,” Lazarus said. “Let’s get their faces out there. Let’s talk about how young and attractive they are. What model citizens they are. (Hockey players) truly are one of a kind among professional athletes.

“I know it’s a tradition and superstition, but I think (the beards do) hurt recognition. They have a great opportunity with more endorsements. Or simply more recognition with fans saying, ‘That guy looks like the kid next door,’ which many of these guys do. I think that would be a nice thing.”

Thankfully, the NHL and players appear to be ignoring this…

Lazarus said he has conveyed his shave requests to NHL officials; the NHL Players Association; and even players in individual discussions.

The NHL had no comment.

“But I’m just a TV guy,” Lazarus said. “They don’t want to listen to me.”

Image courtesy of Travis Nicholson.

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