Andrew Desjardins also likes to…

Andrew Desjardins came into the league with the San Jose Sharks in 2010.

He was traded to the Chicago Blackhawks in March of 2015 and now has the privilege of playing for the Stanley Cup.  (He also changed from number 10 to 11 after the trade since Patrick Sharp was already using 10.  Good call, Andrew.)

During the Stanley Cup he is also guest writing for NHL.com.

One of his other passions?  Cooking!

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But honestly, I’m really a home guy and I cook a lot. I do a lot of the cooking around the house. I love it. It’s one of my top three passions.

I kind of cook a lot of everything, and it’s not just barbecuing. I don’t do as much pasta anymore because I’m trying to stay away from the carbs, but I do love making pasta dishes.

I get asked all the time what my signature dish is, and I can never come up with an answer because I love to cook everything. I always panic on that question, and everyone always asks me that. I love doing risotto, my wife really loves just the straight white wine/parmesan risotto and I like to throw in butternut squash because she’s not a big mushroom eater. I like the mushroom risotto.

I also love to make homemade burgers. I know that’s barbecuing, but you get the ground veal and the chuck and mix them together 50/50. I make a great burger.

My wife and I really like Indian food, and I make my curry from scratch.

I do the tomato based curry, with fresh ground cumin seed, turmeric, garam masala, the dried red chillies with some chicken thighs and boil down the canned tomatoes with all that stuff. I love that. I’ve got that one down. I actually got inspired for that by watching Aarti Sequeira on the Food Network, but I kind of turned it into my own thing.

That’s one of my best dishes, but I haven’t been able to make it in a while because we live in a pre-furnished apartment, and it doesn’t have all the pots and pans and stuff I need in the kitchen to cook. That’s why we’ve been getting a lot of delivery in Chicago, because I don’t have the kitchen I need.

Image courtesy of Saraha

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