In The Bag

Youth Hockey is out of Control

Youth hockey, probably like many sports, is out of control.  The cost, the parents, the bickering and whining.

Granted, it is all for the very good reason of helping our kids.  But the outcomes are oftentimes horrible.  And somehow our kids get lost in the middle of parents, other parents and questionable expectations and motivations.

Former NHL star Ray Ferrero was asked to speak to a group of parents.

Here are four of his points, read the rest on Michale Boyle’s Blog.

This is what Ferraro told the parents.

– Minor hockey is out of control in terms of Parents chasing the dream for their kids instead of kids deciding on their own how passionate they are for it and how bad they want it.

– In the last 10 years only 21 kids who either played at NSWC or BWC have appeared in at least ONE NHL regular season game. Point is if your banking on your son collecting an NHL pay cheque to solidify his and yours financial future you seriously need to stop and come up with a new plan and now.

– The odds of going pro are extremely low but the odds of having to find a career and a job to pay bills and be a husband and father are extremely high and it’s not dictated by if you played AAA hockey

– Parents need to enjoy the ride while you have it … your son’s minor hockey days end too quickly and often times people end up regretting what they did not know then and what they ending up missing because they were focused on everything but their kid having fun

Image courtesy of Michael Beck.

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