In The Bag

[VIDEO] New Hockey Comedy BENDERS premiers on October 1

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There aren’t enough hockey comedies on TV.

Let me count them.  None.  That didn’t take long.

Well, that will all change on October 1.  IFC has picked up Denis Leary’s Benders and will premiere that evening.

Will it be any good?

Hard to tell from the promo below.  But we will give it a try.

More from the show’s website:

Benders follows a team of friends bonded by an irrational obsession with their men’s ice hockey team, The Chubbys. Paul Rosenberg (Schulz) is the insecure leader whose involvement with the team causes daily havoc for him and his wife Karen (Broad). Along for the ride are Paul’s best friends Anthony (Distefano), the charmer who schemes his way through life; Dicky (Gessner), the wealthy hedge fund manager whose answer to everything is in his wallet; and Sebalos (Iskandar) the slacker on a misguided search for his purpose in life. While their hockey skills may be limited, their passion is not, as evidenced by the chaos their devotion to the game creates in their everyday lives.


Teaser video on the Next Page

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