Pavel Datsyuk out until November

It looks like Pavel Datsyuk will be out longer that initially reported by his agent.

After having ankle surgery, it is much more likely that he will be out until November according to mlive.com.

Datsyuk is 37 years old and recovery is only slowing down as he ages.

But he is an important part of the Red Wings team.

Unbelievably in hindsight, he wasn’t drafted in 1996 or 1997 entry draft before the Red Wings picked him up in 1998.  He now wears the assistant captain A and has quite the resume.  Two Stanley Cup championships, 3 Selkes (best defensive forward) and 4 consecutive Lady Byngs (sporstmanship).

More from mlive:

Here’s a rough translation from the SVT.se story:

“Doctors say four-five months. So we’ll see,” Datsyuk said. “I hope I just miss a little early in the season. The rehabilitation time after surgery in June was estimated first 4-6 weeks, but has thus proved to be much longer than that.

“But I will still be in place in Detroit when the season starts in order to prepare myself with the team. Self is more difficult.”

Image courtesy of Dan4th Nicholas.

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